We apologize for the inconvenience, but phones, computers, and internet are not currently running at a reliable level and the library may not be able to give you the services we typically are able to provide. We are still able to check out items to patrons and our doors are open during regular hours.

Jonathan Bourne Public Library

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Jonathan Bourne Public Library

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Computers & Internet Access

The library has computers for public use with high-speed internet access, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Office programs for word processing, spreadsheets, and other projects. 

Printing is available for $0.15 per printed page in black and white, and $0.35 for color.

Our Print Release station is located in the center of the library near our Public Copier/Printer, on the opposite side of our Self Checkout station.

Wireless Printing via Web


Did you know you can upload documents to our public print from anywhere - from your computer or from your mobile device? Then you can come to the library and pick them up!

For first time users, CLICK HERE to follow the directions to register and create an account. Enter your email address and choose Jonathan Bourne Public Library from the drop down list. You will only need to register one time.

All returning users CLICK HERE to upload your print jobs. Your email will be used to identify your print job when you come to the library to retrieve it at our Print Release Station.


Wireless Internet Access

The Jonathan Bourne Public Library offers free Wi-Fi (Wireless Internet) access.

Once you connect to our wireless network, a webpage comes up with our internet policy and a Continue button. Click on Continue and you will be directed to our library home page. Once the home page fully loads, you're connected to our Wi-Fi!

Our Wi-Fi connection can be accessed anywhere in the library and also outside as long as you're close enough to the physical building.

There are several tables and seating areas around the library to use your Wi-Fi enabled devices.

The same agreement and terms of use for the computers apply to Wi-Fi use.
(Refer to the Internet Policy below).

Mobile Hotspots

Check out one of our mobile hotspots! The mobile hotspot can provide Wi-Fi internet for up to 10 devices. You can borrow a hotspot for 2 weeks with no renewals. Borrowing and using a hotspot is free. Fine of $1 per day for returning them late. Hotspots must be returned to the Jonathan Bourne Public Library.
Call for more information @ 508-759-0600, ex 6102.


Mobile Charging Station

Did you leave your charger at home? Is your mobile device low on power? Get charged with the mobile charging station at the JBPL!

The charging station supports most mobile devices. The cables provided include two Micro USB (Android, Kindle, and Nook), two Apple Lightning 8-pin (Newer iPhones and iPads), and one Apple 30-pin (Older iPhones and iPads).

Using the charging station located between the TV series and DVD's is a convenient and secure way to charge your mobile devices. There is no fee for charging. Please turn off your ringer or set to vibrate. Do not leave devices unattended when charging.

Jonathan Bourne Public Library Internet Policy


Jonathan Bourne Public Library Internet Policy

Internet access is available to users in grade 5 and above, and to younger patrons who are accompanied by a parent or caregiver.  

  • Internet access is available whenever the library is open
  • Users may log into the internet computers for up to 30 minutes.  Users may continue to use computers at 30 minute increments as long as no one else is waiting.  Users may schedule longer sessions (for test taking, job application, etc) with library staff.
  • Users must sign in to use internet terminals at the circulation desk.  A valid CLAMS library card or Drivers license may be asked for identification.
  • Printing is available at $0.15/page for black and white and $0.35 for color.
  • Users must cooperate with library staff as requested to insure equitable computer use and a safe computing environment.  Failure to do so may result in loss of computer privileges.
  • Users may plug any appropriate device into the front ports on our computers, but may not remove anything from the back of the computers.
  • Use headphones when listening to audio content, and keep volume low so you do not disturb others.
  • Do not gather around/stand behind computer users since doing so may obstruct or distract other patrons.
  • Library staff is not available to provide Internet instruction beyond routine assistance in finding resources.  The Library may, from time to time, offer classes for intensive Internet instruction or provide one on one instruction by appointment.
  • Computers in the YA room are restricted to that age group.
  • The library offers free wireless internet access throughout the building.
  • All computers are shut down 15 minutes before closing.