Jonathan Bourne Public Library

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Jonathan Bourne Public Library

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Cape Cod Times


Access the image and text versions of the Cape Cod Times


Access World News


Access World News covers: Cape Cod Times (image edition), Bourne Courier, Boston Herald, and more regional, state, and national newspapers.



Coverage of the Boston Globe newspaper from 1980 to the present.




Our New York Times subscription provides full text coverage from 1985 to the present and indexes article citations from 1965 to the present.



Our Wall Street Journal subscription provides library card holders with three day passes to the WSJ. First time users will need to create an accout with the WSJ. With both a WSJ account and your Bourne library card number you can get three day passes to read WSJ content.



The Atlantic MagazineSearch The Atlantic magazine from 1994 to the current edition.


The Boston Herald collection