Many services have been restored at the library. Telephones and public computers are once again available. Wifi and public printing are still down.
OverDrive/Libby: Free eBooks and Audiobooks for iPad, Kindle, Kindle Fire, Nook, and more.
Hoopla: Free Music, Movies/TV shows, Comic books, eBooks, and audiobooks available for stream or download. (Limited to 10 rentals a month)
Freegal: Free music from the Sony Music catalog. 5 free downloads every week and yours to keep.
Freading: Free eBooks available for two weeks and no wait list so you can check out any book, anytime.
Mango: You can learn a new language at your own pace. Over 60 languages to choose from and it’s free.
Mango Languages Help and FAQs
Cape Cod Times (Image Edition): Access the digital version of the Cape Cod Times newspaper with your JBPL card.
Cape Cod Times Online Help