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Novelist Home Page
Find great reading, fiction or non-fiction, with Author Read-alikes, feature articles, discussion guides and other tools. Want a list of all the books written by a particular author? Look no further. Need to know all the books in a particular series? You got it, check out this database. Provided by JBPL

Have you read all the books from your favorite author, but are still thirsty for more? Let NoveList recommend books written by authors whose writing styles are similar to your favorite. 

Book Discussion Guides
Do you lead or attend a book discussion?  Have a school assignment due and just don’t understand the text?  These guides will help you analyze a book and enhance your discussion.

Awards/Notable Books
Is it on your to-do list to read all the Newbery Books?  Keep up to date with Award Winning and Notable book titles.





BookPage Homepage

BookPage is a monthly book review publication distributed to more than 450,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores and public libraries. 

BookPage serves as a broad-based selection guide to the best new books published every month. The tone is upbeat and literate, focusing on bestsellers as well as new discoveries.

All of the content from the print edition is posted on BookPage.com each month.

What Should I Read Next?






What Should I Read Next? Homepage

Visit What Should I Read Next? and enter a book you like. The site will analyse their database of real readers' favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.